Erie St Clair Lhin Collective Agreement
The employer / employee relations environment has become constantly evolving in the last 25 years. In Australia, just as many western nations, into your market between employers and employees has shifted back and forwards usually in reaction to supply and demand.
At times worker organisations, for instance unions, have caused considerable damage to employers while arguing that unionism protects workers pay and types of conditions.
While this is true in certain arenas it’s also been true that it’s come for the expense of enterprise flexibility.
Small business today needs the pliability to rapidly react to technological and sociological change as well as the old award system and it is archaic inflexibility must change.
In the late 80’s and 90’s there was clearly a shift towards enterprise bargaining agreements and collective agreements which gave someone enterprise increasing workplace flexibility.
These agreements, in the enterprise level, where parties were normally unions regarding workers and small company went some methods in achieving of flexibility but nonetheless retained a number of the old thinking and inflexible practices. In essence the previous award system stayed a reference point for minimum wages and entitlements for workers.
In 1996 government entities introduced Australian Workplace Agreements (AWA) which had been specifically designed with individual business and worker at heart.
At its fundamental level an AWA is often a formal written agreement between a manager and anyone employee. A significant convenience of workers and industry is that an AWA is usually tailored to pay all particular requirements to your business.
AWAs use a life of four years, stick to they are carefully written can continue following the 3 year expiry date.
By technique of example you could possibly own a farm where seasonal staff is required. Your AWA could be designed to reflect seasonal requirements that suite both worker and employer.
You employees may wish a 4 day working week. Your AWA can tailor this requirement to the agreement and without payment of penalty rates for doing work in excess of 8 hours each day.
Take Australian Zoo belonging to Steve and Terri Irwin. Because of their unique requirements in taking good care of animals AWA’s have provided flexible working times. With a workforce of 450 people to remain able to grow their business from the certainty of wages and types of conditions.
Other great things about an AWA may be make fish an employee is capable of cash out sick leave for the end of annually reducing the volume of sick leave taken and providing one more incentive for arriving for work on a daily basis. It all adds up to flexibility.
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